Market Research and Surveys
In addition to our Marketing Booster, we provide the surveys, research and the recommendations for marketing, advertising and public relations campaigns. Additionally, as requested, we coordinate with corporate marketing departments or external agencies to help position the surveyed messages for the highest possible response.
We do not utilize focus groups, but instead conduct live one-on-one interviews (in person or on the phone) with the client’s customers, prospects or both. We pride ourselves on surveying hard-to-reach publics (senior corporate executives, doctors, lawyers, etc) but have conducted thousands of customer surveys as well.
We will research what your competition is doing to market and sell products or services that you currently sell or are considering selling. We will investigate several issues for you regarding your competition, including:
- What are their successful sales actions?
- What are their secrets to getting new customers?
- Who are the leaders in the industry?
- How do they sell their products?
- What is their pricing?
- What is their positioning in the market?
- How would you best sell against them?
- What do their customers think of them?
- What motivates customers to buy the competition’s products or services instead of yours
Potential Customer Needs and Wants Research
Using in-depth, one-on-one marketing research surveys, we will find out what your targeted buying public wants, needs or would consider valuable about your product or service.
We will find the “buttons” from your prospective customers’ own words that you will be able to use to increase the response to your marketing activity. You will know the proper message and the proper emotional framework in which to communicate, so your prospective customers will come to you instead of your competition! You will know exactly what will make your prospects buy from you!
Current Customer Needs and Wants Research
Do you know what your customers, clients or patients think of you and your company or practice? Did you know that this can affect your income and future sales?
What specifically motivated them to buy from you in the first place? Would they do so again? Why or why not? We also find out what causes you to lose customers if you do, and how to correct this.
And we will find out for you how to get your customers referring your business to others. This is information that can increase your sales and income dramatically.
Market Studies / Surveys on Your Product or Service
We will research past studies and/or surveys on the product or service which you are marketing. What have past marketing studies shown about the potential of this product or service? What has worked and what hasn’t?
Positioning Surveys
Your products have a position and that position comes from the mind of your customers or prospects. How exactly should you position your products, services, and company in your marketplace so as to “own” it? We’ll give you the surveyed answer to this question to fit YOUR company, product, service or practice.
Ethnic Surveys
Your company is at risk if you are attempting to sell in an area where you do not know the ethnic values. Surveying the principal ethnic group or groups which comprise your potential and/or current customers, we will determine what these people value about your products or services from their cultural perspective. Then and only then will you know the “buying” buttons of your potential and/or current customers.
Market Development Research (finding buyers for products)
We will find out for you which “public” is likely to buy your product and which won’t. We can also find out for you which of several “publics” or marketplaces are the best for you to address in your marketing.
The “No Sale” Package or “Why didn’t you sell him?”
We will survey people who were “pitched” by your company but did not close. By surveying that public we will find out specifically why you didn’t get the sale, and if the person later bought from someone else, why they bought elsewhere. Most businesses never know why “the one that got away” did get away. Now you will know. We will present the exact action you should take to close your hot prospects next time. You might even get a second chance at “the one that got away”.
As all of our PR and marketing work is customized to our individual clients, our fees are based on customized rates for the type of services required. Please Contact Us for more information and a free quote.
Do the CBS Marketing Booster!
67% of Businesses Didn’t Have Enough Customers Before the Economy Tanked!
Our low-cost solution helps you expand your market share and increase profitability.
- Your marketing success depends on knowing the best, most cost-effective ways to market your business — before you spend your advertising dollar.
- The Creative Business Strategies (CBS) Marketing Booster will fill in holes in your knowledge and generate more profits.
- CBS will meet with you and clarify your business goals so your marketing efforts can help you achieve your goals.
- This service includes an evaluation of existing and past PR, sales and marketing actions. We examine your competition, distribution systems, successful actions and other factors that impact the success of your business.
- We design and conduct a tailored market research project that will answer the most pressing questions that lead directly to more business NOW!
- CBS will then deliver a report with full tabulation of survey results PLUS recommendations and plan of action PLUS sample ad headlines and copy.
- The proven, effective system of analysis is being offered to you at a special flat rate of $2,995 – far less than the price of the survey alone!
Why Creative Business Strategies?
CBS is a full-service PR & marketing firm for entrepreneurs and professionals. We bring you well-known marketing gurus, seasoned market researchers and leading public relations professionals with proven track records and hard-earned know-how.
The company’s resources are also available to you for long term strategic planning, market research, public relations, media planning, direct mail, web development and Internet marketing. Once you get to know us and see how we can generate profits for you, we are confident you will want to have a long-term relationship.
We know marketing, we think BIG and we deliver what we promise.
What Will You Do for Me?
We will analyze your competition and your own current and past promotional and marketing efforts to isolate which actions have been successful in your business and industry. Importantly, we will spot which have not, and what can be done to improve the response to all of your promotional activities. You may find a very high-profit potential product that you can market and sell right now.
This powerful booster service will reveal the following:
- Where you can get the best bang for the buck in your marketing.
- How your marketing can be fine tuned to boost sales NOW.
- Are you properly positioned in the marketplace?
- What media will give you the best ROI (Return On Investment)?
- Print Media (newspaper, magazines, direct mail, brochures, flyers, coupons)
- Internet (online advertising, affiliate marketing, web site design, content, search engines)
- Electronic Media (radio, TV)
- Guerilla Marketing (many powerful techniques)
- Are you missing any of the 21 key marketing points that must be present for you to be a high-volume success?
All this points to the question, “How powerful and effective can your marketing really get?” We answer this question with shocking accuracy.
Are you satisfied with your current marketing efforts? Our Marketing Boost Program will direct you to more effective and efficient marketing actions.
Contact us today and let’s get you started toward generating the business you need and want.
Marketing Successes
David Sanders helped me market my way from retail sales of $2,000 per week to consistently hitting over $70,000 per week in just 18 months.
Shaul Havivy, CEO
Art-Wave International, the Art Warehouse
Burbank, CA
Using the powerful marketing technology Mr. Sanders implemented with our start-up firm, in less than three years we became the largest company of our kind in the United States. One year later we were grossing $1,000,000 monthly.
Mike Lee, Partner
Glendale, CA
As a multi-million dollar Southern California service company, we increased production and gross income from $2,000,000 to $10,000,000 per year within eight months of retaining David Sanders.”
George Anderson, CEO
“Your research – broadly gathered, accurately tested, deeply and widely analyzed, and clearly communicated to the client – reflects a level of excellence to which other research firms should aspire. For our current major client, it has provided critical new understanding of his target audience groups. It has brought new insights into his business, upon which his entire enterprise can prosper in coming years.
You communicate your data in complete detail, while keeping the fundamental meaning of the data clear and focused for the client. This is more than science, it is art.
C. Jackson Bain, President
Bain and Associates, Inc.
Communications Counselors
Alexandria, VA
It has been a few months since you performed the market research work for us, so I write this with a very good appreciation of the benefits of the work. In launching our new company, I considered one of the most important things we would do is brand and position the company. Your work to help us get into the minds of our customers and prospects really pinpointed – with precision – what our brand should represent. And the rest fell in place from there.
Looking back, I feel confident that we have hit on a position and brand that impinges on our public and will have lasting value. I look forward to continuing to work with you as we build our company.
Mike Driessen
Experio Solutions
Executive Vice President
The survey of business travelers and corporate travel planners that your company did for us really “peeled the onion” on what these publics need and want from a hotel in the way of technology. In addition, the positioning that grew out of your research was nothing short of stellar! We now have a strategically researched, laser-like position that will dramatically assist us in rolling out our new brand.
Jeffrey L. Donner, President
Matrix Lodging, LLC
You followed through as promised and the information the hotel received was detailed, accurate and objective. The information and insight was worth every penny. I have already used this information to take corrective action in our need areas and as a training tool to educate my associates.
Scott M. Ragatz, General Manager
Courtyard by Marriott
Norwalk, CT
Dave’s ability to intertwine his unique stories & anecdotes with data I can use made the presentation fun & entertaining as well as informative.
Walter Nash, Publisher
My old friend Dave Sanders has again helped me to better understand what I NEED TO DO to really make my business BOOM, my life BOOM.
D.G., High Tech
Now, I haven’t done badly up to now. I’ve consistently produced in 6 figures – BUT NEVER AT A LEVEL I’m capable of, really. A million $ a year is where I should be – now. And by using the technology as relayed by Dave, I know I will get there.
Lou Gonzales, Insurance
For 14 years as a dentist in the Midwest I had a below-average practice. With David Sanders’ help, we increased new patients 10x and collections an incredible 20X! It is now in the top 1% of professional practices in the United States. Both my office manager and I can now vacation for months at a time without sacrificing these high levels of production and profitability.
Robert Marx, DDS
Marketing Clients
High Tech & Internet
- Computer Software Industry
- Computer Hardware Industry
- Internet Companies
- Internet Service Provider (ISP)
- Inventors
- Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)
- Sound Studio
- Telecommunications
- TV/VCR/Stereo Service
- Web Design
General Business
- Automotive
- Corporate
- Department Store Chain
- Fast Food Chain
- Furniture Stores
- Hair Salons/Beauty Salons
- Manufacturing
- Pest Control
- Real Estate
- Retail Pharmacies
- Retail Stores
- Schools
- and many others
- Architects
- Construction Companies
- Copper Repiping Company
- Duct, Fireplace & Furnace Cleaning
- Electrical Contractors
- General Contractors
- Handyman Services
- Landscape Contractors
- Maintenance Company
- Mortgage Broker
- Painting Contractors
- Plumbing Contractors
- Restaurant Construction Contractor
- Roofing Contractors
- Real Estate Agency
- Real Estate Developer
- Tree Service
- Tile-Ceramic Contractors
Marketing Firms
- Advertising and Marketing
- Design Studios
- Direct Mail Company
- Internet Marketing Co.
- Mailing Service
- Market Research
- Novelty Item Manufacturing & Distribution Firms
- Photographers
- Printers/Copiers
- Signs
- Surveys
Medical Professionals
- Chiropractors
- Dentists
- Dermotologists
- Health Maintenance
- Organization (HMO)
- Homeopathic Physicians
- Hospital Management Co.
- Independent Providers Assn. (IPA)
- Medical Doctors
- Naturopathic Physician
- Neurosurgeon
- Nutritionist
- Ophthalmologists
- Optometrists
- Orthodontists
- Pedodontists
- Physical Therapists
- Podiatrists
- Vascular Surgeon
- Veterinarians
Other Professional Practices
- Accountants/CPAs
- Bookkeepers
- Business Consultants
- Field Auditor
- Financial Management
- Insurance Agency
- Investors
- Lighting Consulting
- Seminar Company
- and many others
George Anderson, President
Master Serv
Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder & CEO
Front Sight Resorts
Shaul Havivy, Owner
Art-Wave International
Robert Marx, DDS
Lisa Benest, MD
Contact us today and get your marketing efforts on track to maximum profitability.