Successful Crisis Management Begins with Recognizing There Is One — Take the Survey
More on “No Cost Method to Recession Proof Your Business”

Here’s a story from a guy who read my recent article about “protecting your attitude.” (No Cost Method to Recession Proof Your Business – Feb 2). Needless to say, Dan is pointing out that this applies whether there is a recession economy or not. Dan is owner of his own computer repair business. www.losangelescomputerhelp.com. ”…
Hot New Webinar is Casting for survivors in the Turbulent Sea
Time Management Techniques Can Increase Production – Steps Guaranteed to Cure or Kill – Part 2

If you are following this system (see last post) you have already taken these steps. 1. Stacked all your unhandled communications, large and small, gathered from drawers, trunks of cars, bedroom bureaus, closets, etc., on your desk, or as nearly as possible in the vicinity of your desk. 2. Then you have taken each item…
Time Management Techniques Can Increase Production – Steps Guaranteed to Cure or Kill – Part 1

Time Management is a big subject. I mean, you can actually branch into philosophy on this one, and I could make some hearty study recommendations to anyone who is serious about tapping into the magic of controlling time. But before we go off the deep end, let’s at least make an effort to discover what…
No-Cost Method to Recession-Proof Your Business

In doing seminars for businesspeople around the country over the past few months, I have found that most of them were in a state of shock to a greater or lesser degree due to their uncertainty and fears regarding our economy. President Roosevelt once said, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” Along this…
How to Avoid the Biggest Mistake You Can Make in Marketing

David Scher of family-owned Auto Supply Company (ASC) in Los Angeles had been having trouble with his marketing since 2007. Not only were statistics down in all 4 stores, his entire industry was in a serious decline. Mailers and promotional pieces which had done well no longer worked at all. He turned things around for…
Rescue of an Insurance Broker

What prompted Dianne to seek help from Creative Business Strategies was a sudden discovery. She is an independent financial services broker. Her job is to make sales, and her company provides a number of incentives and bonuses for brokers who produce well. But Dianne was too busy battling a firestorm of documents. She had no…

Creative Business Strategies
David Sanders
Certified Master Consultant
"For 14 years as a dentist in the Midwest I had a below-average practice. With David Sanders' help, we increased new patients 10x and collections an incredible 20X! We are now in the top 1% of professional practices in the United States..."
Robert Marx, DDS