I want to change the world. My passion is to find things that will help people and get it to them. Back in 1979, I was a young underpaid business consultant toiling to get big bottom line results for clients – the key to generating coveted word of mouth advertising. I made businesses purr like a well-oiled dream. But if I couldn’t drive in new business on demand, after a while they didn’t think I was that bright.
I discovered that the difference between good and great as a consultant was my ability to market. So I directed my career into learning to do PR and marketing right. I started and ran the Market Research division of my consulting firm.
I had learned that in business, what counted was how it was really done on the street, not in some ivory tower. Rather than go back to school and get another degree, I got adventurous and in 1983 I became Production Control Manager of a Beverly Hills Ad agency. It paid off. My first week on the job I placed a quarter million dollars’ worth of advertising. Soon I was working with some of the biggest names in marketing and specializing in the finance and high tech industries. I rose to Director of Marketing. But most importantly, I learned how to make marketing work great on a tight budget – this last thing I had ever expected in Beverly Hills.
As I continued my consulting career, I focused in professional practices and entrepreneurs, getting drafted to work with Inc. 100 companies from time to time. I came to be widely recognized as the marketing guru for a dozen niches and traveled across the US delivering seminars on every aspect of management and marketing. By the late 1990’s I was delivering week-long training programs on how any diligent, honest businessperson could dominate his or her market.
Then the Internet happened and I consulted a start-up that sold for $50,000,000. From there I became President of another start-up that I took to #34 on the web by the end of 2000.
I began assembling a team of the brightest PR and marketing minds in the country. We have a third-of-a-century successful track record of providing the services designed to help the ambitious, fast-track company accomplish its objectives. Often it happened FAST. Sometimes there were a lot of challenges.
My team and I have helped thousands of companies and professionals expand and prosper far beyond any prior levels of success. I’ve been a successful entrepreneur as well as a consultant and have a direct grasp of the problems faced by startups, growing and contracting companies. My passion is to get you state-of-the-art management, PR and marketing technology so you get rave results very rapidly.
To improve your business, contact us now.